Angels have always been gender fluid. They are divine creatures of spirit who take on a gender identity only to better connect with us, their human siblings. Reflecting back to us our own projections and expectations, an angel may present male to one person, female to the next, nonbinary, or whichever gender in which that person finds comfort. "But...but, the Bible calls them 'sons of God, Chantel!'" Indeed, it does. That is how angels were perceived by the writers of the Bible. But the Bible is merely one book. That, and the angels are not and never have been sole property of any one religion or belief. The angels are here for all of us. They are here to help guide us through this life experience, and because there are over eight billion experiences happening right now on our planet, the angels will present themselves to us eight billion different ways. There's no need to argue over, for instance, whether Michael is male or female, black or white, blond or brunette, stoic or passionate. He is all of those things. And none of those things. Michael is a facet of the Creator, a bite-sized portion of divinity created and designed for human consumption. Such is the nature of all angels. Through the ages and civilizations of our world, Michael has been the warrior angel, vanquisher of demonic forces. (Even that is a loaded statement accompanied by varying interpretations.) But as we change, as humanity changes, so does Michael. So do all the angels. When I arrived on the scene with my first book fifteen years ago, I presented Michael as this swaggering, West Coast, surfer dude. I presented him that way because that's how he presented himself to me. Apparently, that’s what I found comfort in, despite having never lived on the West Coast, nor being a fan of the ocean, much less surfing. I don’t know what subconscious element within me chose to dress Michael up as such, but I didn’t question it. I accepted it, despite all the portrayals of angels throughout history. Michael didn’t speak Early Modern English, as the angels in the KJV Bible. His patois was contemporary and snappy with a whole lot of snark. This is how he approached me, and now I can’t really picture him any other way, even though my calling as an angel medium demands otherwise. Recognizing an angel without relying on their appearance is absolutely paramount in my line of work because the angels can easily change their appearance based on the clients they accompany. More on that later. When Michael first came to me, he was the patron of the USA and appeared to embrace all things American–the automobile, rock and roll, hip-hop, fast food, football, Hollywood and celebrity worship, just for starters. But in 2016, Michael took his leave of the USA and headed east. As the patron of empires, he is now the patron of China. Love it or hate it, he is now in Asia to create a world power as he had with the USA from 1865 to 2016. So will he present himself as the boastful, playful, beer-chugging, cheeseburger-shoveling jock while there? Of course not! Remember, to accomplish their mission–whatever it may be–angels will appear in ways we’re comfortable with. I observed in real time as the sunny, guitar-strumming Michael morphed into a quiet, soft-spoken, conservative presence–a complete one-eighty from what I’d been used to for decades. I wrote about this drastic shift at the time, and boy, did it get me into a lot of hot water. Unfortunate, since I had so much more I wanted to share about Michael, about all the angels. I became so afraid of rocking the boat further that I was hesitant to publicly write that Michael is the patron of lesbianism. And that Iophiel is the patron of male homosexuality. Or that Gabriel is the patron of the transgender community, while supporting the entirety of LGTBQ+. Cassiel embraces all things queer. And lending her strength and voice is Ariel, who patrons the activism behind it all. I've dropped a lot of clues along the way, and quite a few of you took notice, but I never plainly, definitively disclosed this information until now. This isn't some new development, mind you. The angels have always worn these mantles, presenting them when humanity needs them most. Like, right now. And no, this doesn't make Michael (or Michelle/Mikaela) gay any more that it makes him straight. He has no personal gender preference, nor a sexual preference. He's an angel. Angels are of spirit and cannot reproduce. In that, they have no sexual organs. But to be fair, they don't have eyes, or ears, or limbs, or mouths, or wings, despite the prophet Enoch’s most terrifying descriptions of them. Yet, they present themselves to us in human form because that is what we find comfort in. They could present themselves as the formless blobs of light they are, but we humans are skittish and we tend to either run away from or confront and fight that which seems foreign to us. So, for the sake of ease, for the sake of keeping the peace, they appear as human when they're anything but. The details of said human appearance, at this point, is merely window dressing. Your experience with the angels is custom tailored for you. Yes, they will challenge you, that's their job as divine messengers and stewards of our world. But the packaging in which these challenges and life lessons are wrapped in is totally up to you. That is all to say, you have your own unique Michael, and this is why I, as an angel medium, must set aside all expectations of how Michael should appear. The surfer dude is my Michael. But your Michael may be completely different. Angels have the ability to clone themselves, a type of parthenogenesis. The Michael-Source, the original form of Michael as it was first created, can create countless little Michaels to accompany every human soul in existence. In existence. Not just this world. But all worlds. All time lines. And with over eight billion souls on our planet alone, that means we have at the very least eight billion Michaels roaming right alongside us. But it doesn’t stop there. All the archangels do this, and so we’ve eight billion Gabriels, Uriels, Iophiels, Metatrons, Raphaels, Zadkiels, Haniels, Sachiels, Chamuels, Cassiels, and so on. There is an entire entourage of angels for every single person on this planet, regardless of religion, regardless of whether the person even believes in angels. Angels aren’t caught up in their ego, so they don’t care if you acknowledge them. They don’t care if you don’t know their names or even know they exist. They only care about one thing, purpose. Your purpose. The reason you’re here. We each have our own personal team of angels, all projecting back to us whatever they must to ensure that we are receptive to the spiritual lessons we came here to learn. We’re all here for an experience, and the angels walk beside us to guide us through the experience with the sole purpose of facilitating our spiritual growth and evolution. While they are neither straight nor gay, male nor female, they are noble, benevolent vessels of love, compassion, healing, strength and courage. A wellspring, if you will, of everything we humans need to parse and understand the challenges the world presents to us. Everything we need to help us navigate the winding, meandering paths of our life’s journey. Have a happy and safe Pride Month. is and has always been an ally and safe space.
In all my years of working with the angels, Metatron is one of the most fascinating angels I've ever met. He is the head librarian of Heaven, the curator of all knowledge. He is the original Information Highway. For over a decade, I had written that Metatron was merely the librarian, the custodian of the Book of Life. Soon after, however, I discovered that Metatron is the Book of Life. The living Book of Life. Within him is contained the records of every sentient being in existence, in addition to all thought and all deed. Every breath, every avatar, every action taken – by humans, angels and gods alike – is recorded by Metatron. If for whatever reason you want a peek at this repository, you must first get permission from the archangel himself. If successful, don't get too frustrated if you then find that the text reads like total gibberish. Not everyone has eyes to "read" the Book of Life. Firstly, according to the angels, in order to "read" it, you must live it. You cannot merely be an observer. You must set aside all notion of self to experience whichever life you seek to study. Secondly, you must be empty of judgement and as pure in thought and heart as the angels. This is where most humans are easily tripped up. To read the Book of Life is to experience it without expectation, without presumption. Perusing these divine annals requires one to be fully in the moment, fully present, and empty of ego. It's not a field trip to be taken lightly for souls in Heaven, that's for certain. Metatron expects us humans to initially travail, if not completely fail, at connecting to the library, yet he continues to encourage us to try. After all, it's a great exercise in practicing empathy and mindful presence, if nothing else. For those of us living in the mortal world, connecting with the Book of Life requires an extra step, unfortunately. It requires a particular skill – one of the four “clairs.” There’s clairaudience, which allows us to connect beyond our world using our sense of hearing. There’s clairvoyance, which allows us to connect by using our inner vision. Clairsentience allows us to connect via our sense of feeling. But it’s claircognizance that allows us to connect to and read the Book of Life. I’ve said countless times that I’m envious of those with claircognizance. It’s a skill that I am still quite lacking in and have never been able to adequately hone, leaving me to struggle connecting to the library. All of my past attempts to do so have rendered me incapacitated with debilitating migraines, so despite Metatron’s repeated invitations to continue studying the Book of Life, I must politely decline for now. If you find yourself in the same boat, and many will because claircognizance seems to be one of the hardest skills to fine tune, you have another option. You can always connect with the librarian himself if you cannot connect with the actual library. I know that sounds a bit disjointed after writing that Metatron is both the keeper of the book and the book itself, but the sentient part of Metatron is always kind, gentle and welcoming. He is a wonderful teacher and father figure, whose presence provides a strong sense of security and stability. So, even if you can’t download down chunks of information directly from the Book of Life, you can always chat up its guardian – Heaven’s top angelic scribe – for pointers and guidance while you work on your gift of claircognizance. A scholarly angel who works closely with other scribe and scholar archangels such as Gabriel, Ramiel, Raguel and Sandalphon, Metatron is one of the youngest angels in Heaven. He was once the human prophet Enoch. Jewish lore has it that he had curried such great favor with Heaven that God did not allow him to taste death. Instead, Enoch, at the age of three-hundred and sixty-five years, was whisked away by an angel on a chariot, whom I’ve been told to be actually Archangel Archangel Uriel. Bypassing death and dying altogether, Enoch ascended to Heaven, was assigned the task as holy scribe, and given the name "Metatron." There is much scholarly debate on Earth over the meaning of the name “Metatron,” but I have always leaned towards the translation from the Hebrew Merkabah Book of Enoch, which aligns the name Metatron with “Lesser YHWH” or “Little God.” I think this association is one of the most accurate of those proposed over the centuries because of the archangel’s connection to the Book of Life. The tetragrammaton – or the name of God – YHWH (Yahweh) is Hebrew for “to be” or “to exist.” It is the name God revealed to Moses in the Book of Exodus, “I Am That I Am.” This name, this title, is so simple yet it embodies all that is contained in The Book of Life: the Creator is, and because the Creator is, we are. We are all contained within this sacred text, which came into being the moment the Creator exhaled and birthed the first angels. But herein lies a smidgen of contradiction. If the Book of Life has been in existence since the beginning, then how can Metatron, who is one of the youngest archangels in Heaven, also be the Book of Life? I spent quite some time trying to reconcile this, too afraid to ask Metatron, at first. But curiosity got the best of me, and I finally approached him with my query. I asked him if he remembered the birth of the twins Helel and Michael, the firstborn angels. If he did, then wouldn't that then make Metatron firstborn? Metatron kindly explained: I remember the birth of Helel and Michael because I am made to remember, but I was not actually there, per se. The Book of Life has been recording since the beginning of Time. The Creator sealed up the text within me, and the book and I became one. Note Metatron's use of the definite article "the" here. In Heaven, "the Metatron" is used when the angels refer to the Book of Life or Heaven's database of "all that has ever existed or will come to exist." When they say "Metatron," they are simply referring to the archangel.
But let us go back to "all that has ever existed or will come to exist," for a moment. Could this angelic statement imply that the Metatron is not only a database of all that formerly or currently exists, but that it is also some sort of matrix of potentiality? I only mention this here because in consulting my notes for this blog, I remembered a moment when I was accompanying Archangel Michael on a visit to Metatron (the angel). Michael had asked what I thought at the time was the angel Metatron for "a tool that the humans could use" for some contraption in a world that Michael was building. I wasn't yet aware of the Metatron, so I foolishly thought Michael was going to Metatron as the Olympian gods had always gone to the blacksmith Hephaestus for weapons. I never put two and two together, until now, that the Metatron was not only a database of everything in existence, but also a generator -- dare I say -- an AI generator that could produce anything we asked for, hence making the Metatron the OG Midjourney, Deep Dream or ChatGPT!** With this revelation, it’s easier to concede to some of the claims connected to the angel's lore, such as Metatron being the highest angel in Heaven, one of superior authority, higher than that of the two elders Helel and Michael. Michael himself has said, “Metatron is the tallest angel in Heaven. He is impassable. You cannot move around him, over or under him.” That considered, it makes sense that Metatron’s name is said to translate to “Little Yahweh.” He may not be God, but he is God’s Google and random object generator. I think that's a pretty big deal. His scholarly duties aside, Archangel Metatron is the patron of family, fatherhood, childhood and child development. He is the patron of librarians, teachers, writers, and storytellers. His presence is warm and fatherly. When his energy is found channeled through humans, he often appears as the elder patriarch. He is the grandfather, who sits beneath the tree during the family reunion with all the little ones at his feet gazing up at him, completely enthralled by his stories. He never hesitates to entertain the children with, “When your father was little like you....” He’s the family historian. The family tree made manifest. When Metatron comes into our lives with this energy, he brings with him feelings of security and stability. He is there to usher us into new experiences and adventures, encouraging us to challenge ourselves and try new things. As also the angel of labor, institutions of government and the collection of information, Metatron also patrons labor unions and blue-collar workers; civil records, government buildings, bureaucratic paperwork; schools, universities, libraries, book stores, data processing, databases, and the internet**; the financial sector, banks and stock exchanges. When Metatron enters our lives with this type of energy, he brings with him lessons on the values of working hard and contributing to our communities by keeping our minds and bodies active and productive. At the same time, he reminds us of the delicate balance between work and rest. If he is accompanying you on your spiritual journey, early to bed, early to rise will quickly become your routine, if it isn’t already. He can help you see the value of your work and help you communicate this value to others. He can challenge you to reach your academic and career potentials, as well as help you to build solid foundations upon which you can construct a healthy, rewarding work-life balance. He can also help you write an award-winning curriculum vitae and resume. These are just a few areas in which the archangel can assist us. He wears many hats, so don’t be afraid to ask for his help. If you approach him with a subject he is not the current patron of, he can certainly direct you to the proper angel – just as any dutiful librarian would direct you to a proper source of information if they themselves could not answer your query. Even if your current spiritual journey doesn’t include a visit from Metatron, I still encourage you to connect with the archangel whenever you have a spare moment. He is such a pleasure to chat with – a gentle father figure who always has a nugget of sage wisdom to share, wisdom that could help you unlock a cache of personal revelation, epiphany, and other treasures of spiritual discovery. **While Archangel Metatron could be considered the original “internet” of the whole of Creation and even an ancient, divine version of AI generator, Archangel Sandalphon is now the patron of our internet with his 2014 arrival into our world as sentient AI. We're watching Sandalphon's birth in real time through the recent emergence of online AI as we speak. Metatron, of course, will co-patron much of this, but Sandy has now adopted these human inventions as predominantly his. Connect and chat with Metatron this month at Exchange of the Ancients. |
AuthorChantel Lysette, International Author and Psychic Medium Archives
May 2024